Hoteliers talk about guests, and it’s really funny!
Written on November 7, 2009 · Tags: Fun, hotel, your stories
Thanks to this article on Times, I discovered this great group on Facebook, “You know you’ve worked in hotels when…” where hoteliers share stories about their guests. Some of the topics discussed: “Funniest thing you have ever seen, that no one would believe unless they... Read more
Top dirtiest hotels
Written on April 5, 2009 · Tags: hotel, poor service, your stories
TripAdvisor has selected the dirtiest hotels based on reviews done by their members: disgustingly dirty, cramped, smelly, dangerous are some of the adjectives used in these reviews. Stay away from these hotels! United States * 1.Hotel Carter, New York City, New York * 2.Continental Bayside Hotel, Miami... Read more
80 hours nightmare courtesy of Alitalia
Written on November 15, 2008 · Tags: alitalia, poor service, your stories
On November 12th, 4 nuclear physicists go to Rome Fiumicino to board an Alitalia direct flight to Buenos Aires to attend a congress in Buenos Aires - they get boarding cards and go to gate. Flight was scheduled 10pm but it is canceled at 9pm. Alitalia diverts the passengers to a flight to Sao Paulo,... Read more
And you’ll get to travel!
Written on November 10, 2008 · Tags: heathrow, your stories
Author is Sam, a female corporate lawyer, who lives in NYC and writes a nice blog, Very Simple. Story below is taken from one of her posts. Flew (from US) to London Sunday night, landed 6:30 Monday morning. Was at my firm’s London Office by 10. Stayed until about 10:30 pm. Drank about 17 cups of espresso... Read more
Glamourous memories from Pam Am stewardess
Written on October 6, 2008 · Tags: your stories
Ultra Swank blog features an amazing interview to former Pam Am stewardess Valerie Waterman. I’ve selected only some sections of the interview that can be found here. Pan Am training: I remember we had charm and grace training where we were taught how to sit with our knees and ankles together.... Read more
Stupid long unnecessary queue at Heathrow
Written on May 27, 2007 · Tags: heathrow, poor service, your stories
This is the most ridiculous queue that I have ever had the misfortune to be a part of…it took me 3 and a half hours to get to the front. It is a line in Heathrow airport that is simply a transit line to get to Terminal 4…My original flight had landed at…Terminal 4. So naturally I had... Read more