Welcome Hipmunk
Written on November 29, 2010 · Tags: booking, search flight
A new search engine for flights with a great visualization of results: one simple page with a grid instead of various pages with a lot of text. Moreover results can be easily narrowed by “agony” - that is a combination of price, duration and stops - and other key elements. It’s an US... Read more
Be aware of the new Ryanair check-in policy and extra costs
Ryanair is going to eliminate all check-in desks at airports from October, meaning the only possibility to fly on the airline is to check-in online. Before October it is still possible to do check-in at the airport but there is an extra fee of 10£/10€ per person/per flight and this fee will increase... Read more
Hotel location, location, location!
Maps-mania is everywhere on the web and these guys had launched a maps-mania tool to select your hotel based on location: www.seeyourhotel.com. Users search for a location and get a full size map with markers for all hotels in the area. Then they can view pictures, video and reviews of the hotel, compare... Read more
How to book a short-haul economy flight online
Written on September 10, 2008 · Tags: booking, Guides and Tips, search flight
There are thousands of online booking sites, but most use a very small number of the same global distribution systems (GDS = an international computer reservation system that accesses many databases of suppliers, airlines, etc in different countries, such as Amadeus, Sabre, Galileo). That is why you... Read more
When a travel agent gives you value
Written on September 9, 2008 · Tags: booking, Guides and Tips, IATA
Nowdays if you need to book a domestic flight or one across Europe flight without doing via your corporate travel agent, do-yourself-online is your choice. We share our best tips here. But there are kind of travels when the middle-man, old travel agent, will do much better than yourself: exactly the... Read more
Directory of major European airports is ready!
Finally here a comprensive list of all major European airports - it has been a lot of work but we hope you’ll find it useful to organize your trips. Directory includes airports from all European countries. In each country, airports listed are those having commercial international flights or being... Read more