Tips to get a good plane seat
Guides and Tips, Trip Planning · March 18, 2008

Which are the worst economy seats on a plane? A) middle seat B) near toilet C) near screaming kids D) seat that doesn’t recline. The answer is: a middle seat that doesn’t recline, near the toilet and screaming kids and that’s on the back of the plane! How to avoid to experience a flight...
Tags: Guides and Tips, legroom, plane seats, seat pitch
50ml body care products
Toiletries, Travel Items · March 15, 2008

Body care products in 50ml size made in Italy branded as “50ml”. Woman and man kits containing 4 colorful products. For a list of shops selling them - mainly Italian - click here. Read More →
Tags: liquids, Toiletries
Cabin luggage - my recommended trolley
Luggage, Travel Items · March 4, 2008

“Mandarina Duck Isi” trolley is my unique companion since 80-100 flights. It fulfills all golden rules to select a trolley: it’s very light, smaller than approved cabin sizes, soft material and I carry it around using only one finger. It is 40 X 51.5 X 19.5 cm and capacity is 40 lt. I’ve...
Tags: cabin luggage, Luggage, shopping, trolley
Directory of major European airports is ready!
Airports, Travel Resources · March 3, 2008

Finally here a comprensive list of all major European airports - it has been a lot of work but we hope you’ll find it useful to organize your trips. Directory includes airports from all European countries. In each country, airports listed are those having commercial international flights or being...
Tags: airport, booking, directory, IATA
The best selection for everything you need for your travel
In flight Goodies, Luggage, Toiletries, Travel Items · February 5, 2008

Flight 001. Visit the extra stylish stores of this brand. A must to see! I love the toiletries bags and the shoes bags and the luggage tags and the liquid zip cases and … Here the vision from the website: “a store that made travel shopping as streamlined as the flight itself”,”Flight001...
Tags: Luggage, packing, shopping, toiletries bag
A very useful little book to communicate without knowing the language
Books-Guides, Travel Items · February 2, 2008

Point it! is a small booklet packed with photographs of items to point out. The principle is simple: show the picture of the item you want or find or buy. There are images of food, hotel facilities, clothing, toiletries, street scenes, traffic situations, nightlife, colors and many more. Are you not...
Tags: book, shopping, travel goodies
Original Swiss trolley on sale!
Fun, In flight Goodies · January 20, 2008

I love it! Original airline trolleys by Swiss that have been restored and they are sold by a German vintage design company. A must for the living room of the European frequent traveler! Read More →
How to get an upgrade to first class
Fun · January 19, 2008

Hilarious! Loved the “wedding gown” tip! Enjoy it! Read More →
A great travel blanket
In flight Goodies, Travel Items · November 1, 2007

These guys have designed a blanket that’s ideal on a flight. Your feet stay covered, your hands are free to move, it has an inflatable pillow and a convenient carry bag. What I really like is the foot pocket: keeping feet warm is sometime a challenge because size of one airline blanket is too...
Tags: blanket, inflight goodies, travel goodies
Great website to explore airports’ secrets
Airports, Travel Resources · October 1, 2007
The Budget Travelers’ Guide to Sleeping in Airports. Yes, you should not need a guide like this, but it’s really funny and you’ll appreciate some descriptions of your favorite airports. In case you have to spend some hours and you do not have access to the lounge - it could happen -...