How to select your trolley
Guides and Tips, Luggage Tips · July 11, 2008

Tip 1: Do not spend too much for it. if you’re a frequent traveler, your trolley will need to be replaced every 2/3 years. So do not invest too much money on it. That means no LV or Prada trolley because you’ll be really disappointed how quickly it will be ruined. Tip 2: Smaller than maximum...
Tags: Guides and Tips, trolley
Internet and wifi access at airports
Airports, Travel Resources · July 5, 2008

Atlarge is a website that collects reviews and tips about web access at airports. You can post your own review of internet facilities, rate the airports and other users’ comments. Useful to read tips from travelers regarding spots to get wifi, free internet access at lounges and many many complains...
Restaurant guide for your blackberry, palm or windows mobile
City Guides, Tools, Travel Resources · June 20, 2008

If you need restaurants’ recommendations in all major US cities, London, Paris or Tokyo, Zagat to Go is your perfect tool for a lot of reasons: - it’s inside your device so you do not need to carry around extra weight; - it’s the electronic version of the Zagat guide on paper, that...
Tags: blackberry, cities guides, palm, windows mobile, zagat
Lufthansa is the biggest in Europe
Airlines, Industry news-data, Travel Resources · June 14, 2008
Lufthansa has boarded more than 54 millions of passengers during 2007, but Air France and Ryanair follow shortly. BA has lost 7% of passenger: the worst performance among all European airlines within the association of European airlines (AEA). Code Airline Passengers (millions) LH Lufthansa 54,1 AF Air...
Tags: air france, airline, alitalia, boarded passengers, british airways, easyjet, iberia, KLM, lufthansa, ryanair, sas, statistics, swiss, turkish airlines
Mp3 cities guides
City Guides, Travel Resources · June 8, 2008

Downlodable audio guides and walking tours at 5€ each to from PocketVox.Guides are available in English, French and German and download includes a map itinerary. Download of walking tour of Montmartre is free. Each audio guide has a duration of between 1h and 2h30 and can be listened to on an MP3...
Tags: cities guides, mp3
“10 minutes manicure” at some US and Canadian airports
Airports, Travel Resources · June 8, 2008

What a clever idea. 3 working moms from Florida have opened this retail chain located in JFK (terminal 3 and 8), Washington, Cincinnati, Miami, Toronto and Ottawa airports. Manicure (10 minutes) is 17.5$ (includes tax and tip), but you can also get massages, pedicures and other services if you have more...
Access your PC without carrying it around
Tools, Travel Resources · May 27, 2008

GoToMyPC is a clever tool: you can access your PC from anywhere meaning you do not need to bring your laptop with you while traveling. How does it work? 1) install the GoToMyPC software into your home or office PC and leave it switched on; 2) from any other computer log on to GoToMyPC site and you’ll...
Tags: free, PC, travel goodies
Is your phone out of battery at the airport?
Airports, Travel Resources · May 25, 2008

Or do you need a socket for the laptop? Find where power outlets are in this terrific wiki - add your tips there to cover even more airports’ sockets’ maps (and wifi tips, too). Picture by Sogrady. Read More →
Extensive travel stuff catalogue from US TravelSmith
In flight Goodies, Luggage, Toiletries, Travel Items · May 5, 2008

Even if they do not accept online orders by non-US residents (only via fax), TravelSmith site is a good source of inspiration for items related to travel. It has a good selection of pack away bags - those foldaway bags to use for excess luggage on your way back - toiletry bags, and some rare to find...
Tags: inflight goodies, Luggage, packing, shopping, toiletries bag, travel goodies
How much space between the seats is enough?
Hot Topic · March 20, 2008

Based on a study done by UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) a House of Lords committee issued a warning related to planes seating legroom: “The study recommended that the regulatory minimum distance between seats should be increased to a minimum of 28.2 inches (72 cm). The UK regulation sets the...
Tags: civil authority, legroom, plane seats, seat pitch