Amazing dancing planes
Fun · December 1, 2010

Look at this video: planes are dancing! Read More →
Welcome Hipmunk
Guides and Tips, Trip Planning · November 29, 2010

A new search engine for flights with a great visualization of results: one simple page with a grid instead of various pages with a lot of text. Moreover results can be easily narrowed by “agony” - that is a combination of price, duration and stops - and other key elements. It’s an US...
Tags: booking, search flight
Discover cool places around the world - Tell Me Where
Books-Guides, City Guides, Travel Items, Travel Resources · December 12, 2009

Tell Me Where is a web and iphone application that provides recommendations based on the tastes of your friends, and those with similar tastes. Already a success in France, it is ready to take its Urban Guide mix of social network and city guide to the rest of the world. The application not only knows...
Tags: cities guides, free, iphone, tool
Twitt @ airport and on board
Tools, Travel Resources · December 3, 2009

Just launched a French service via Twitter. Twitt #boarding along with the airport code and you’ll get a reply with the list of the other users in the same airport in the last hours. Also you can visit to see a map with airports and users who are there. Another service for Twitter fans...
Tags: airport, iphone, tool, twitter
Landing in London or NY? Share a cab
Airports, City Guides, Industry news-data, Tools, Travel Resources · November 13, 2009

Taxi² is a free service that enables you to recognise other travellers who are interested in saving half the cost of their taxi ride from London or NY airports to their final destination. The clever taxi² ticket provides you with everything you need to share a taxi: an easy way to find someone to share...
Tags: airport, free, Guides and Tips, heathrow, JFK, LHR, tool
Got a lot of miles on Continental?
Airlines Programs, Loyalty Programs · November 13, 2009

You have the chance to bid on an around the world trip to visit the eight wonders of the world. Itinerary is amazing, lasting 3 weeks for 2 people, flights are on business class and package includes hotels, private tours and airports’ transfers. Bid ends Dec, 9th and current highest bid is 755,000...
Tags: airmiles, continental
Ryanair new sexy calendar
Airlines, Travel Resources · November 12, 2009

Yesterday 3 cabin crew girls dressed in bikini walked streets of London to present the 2010 Ryanair calendar.Video here. The 2010 edition, which was shot at Ryanair’s Alicante base in September, will raise about £100,0000 through the sale of 11,000 calendars on Ryanair flights and from
Tags: ryanair
Hoteliers talk about guests, and it’s really funny!
Fun, Hotels, Travel Resources, Your Stories · November 7, 2009

Thanks to this article on Times, I discovered this great group on Facebook, “You know you’ve worked in hotels when…” where hoteliers share stories about their guests. Some of the topics discussed: “Funniest thing you have ever seen, that no one would believe unless they...
Tags: Fun, hotel, your stories
Meeting mean business (not always, but help)
Industry news-data · November 6, 2009

US Travel Association has commissioned a study to evaluate the return on investment of business travel. According to their findings: “For every dollar invested in business travel, businesses experience an average $12.50 in increased revenue and $3.80 in new profits”. Business travel in US...
Tags: business travel
Iphone app: flying without fear
Tools, Travel Resources · November 6, 2009

Back in 1997, Virgin Atlantic started offering Flying Without Fear courses at £199+vat. They claim to have 98% success rate. Sir Branson wants to replicate the success of these course with an iphone application and he does a personal introduction on the app. The app is not for free (4.99$ at Apple...